Our Admissions

Applications for places at our school are managed by Leicestershire County Council; the school does not deal with places directly. Please visit the Local Authority website (www.leicestershire.gov.uk/admissions) for advice and to apply online for a school place. Paper copies of application forms can be obtained by telephoning the Admissions Department on 0116 305 6684. Appeals are administered by Leicestershire County Council. You can access the appeals information here

Admissions Policy for September 2025

Do you have a Reception child starting school in August 2025? 

Applications have now closed for the 2025 year. Should parents still need to apply for a place for their child to start in August 2025, they can do so through Leicestershire Local Authority. This will be treated as a late application. If you are considering our school, arrange a tour guided by our Headteacher, please contact our school office. We look forward to showing you around and discussing how we can support your child.

Parents who have applied for a place for their child to start in August 2025 will receive notification of the school they have been allocated on Wednesday 16th April 2025. We will be in touch shortly after with confirmation of our transition process and key meeting dates for those who have been allocated a place at Thythorn. 

Our Catchment

Please also see below the catchment map for Thythorn Field Primary School. Any queries regarding this map should be made to the Admissions department at Leicestershire County Council.

Applications are welcome from families who live in and out of our catchment area. 

Applying for a place mid year for all year groups

We have a few places available in different year groups. Please contact the school to see if we can accommodate your child and to book a place to have a personal tour of the school with our Head teacher. 

If you are interested in a place for your child and wish to move them from another school during the academic year (this is called a mid term or mid year transfer), please call our office to find out if we have any places in the year group, before making an application to the Leicestershire Local Authority

The current admission numbers at Thythorn Field Primary School are:

Year Group Maximum Class Size Class Numbers
EYFS 30 9
Year 1 30 23
Year 2 30 27
Year 3 30 29
Year 4 30 30
Year 5 30 27
Year 6 30 30

Our Induction Process is detailed below

1. Tour of our school prior to applying – at your discretion
2. Autumn stay and play session for parents and children
3. Easter Egg hunt in the Spring Term
4. Tour of our school prior to applyingTeddy Bear's Picnic during the summer term
5. Nursery and home visits at the end of summer term
6. Parent workshop about expectations at the beginning of EYFS Autumn Term 1
7. Parents' Evening at the beginning of the year to provide feedback on progress

If you are interested in applying for our EYFS, contact the school office to arrange a visit.