Welcome to our class page
The adults that work with us in our class are:
Class Teachers
Mrs Wills (Monday, Tuesday and alternating Wednesdays)
Mrs Dunford (alternating Wednesdays, Thursday and Friday)
Learning Support Assistants: Mrs Prendergast (every morning except Thursdays), Mrs Podgers (Thursday mornings), Mrs Wiggins (afternoons)
Senior Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hall (Wednesday afternoon for Art or Music)
Sports Coach : Mr Taylor / Mr Timperley (Wednesday afternoon)
What are we Learning?
Please click below to access our Year plan to see what we are learning in Year 2 and to see our weekly timetable.
Year Plan Year 2
Weekly Timetable Year 2
PE days
Wednesday (sports coach)
Friday (Mrs Dunford)
Please ensure that your child comes to school in appropriate PE uniform, including trainers and a warm jumper as we often go outside for our PE lessons.
In Year 2, we ask that you support your child's learning by;
Reading x3 a week with your child and recording it in their reading diary.
Practice reading and writing our focus words for each week (given out on Friday and reviewed the next Friday)
Use educational games like NumBots / Spelling Frame to support core skills.
Complete optional homework to support a love of learning.
Ways to Support with Learning at Home
Importance of daily reading.
Spelling - lists of high frequency and common excpetion words link to Spelling Frame
Maths link to TTR or other sites. Ideas for Maths in every day life eg. money, time etc.
Y2: Suggested Reading book List of Books to Share with Your Child:
Y1: Suggested Reading book List of Books to Share with Your Child:
Class Connections
Link to charity work or other connections made with local area.
Schools Linking
We are taking part in the School Linking Project with a Year 2 Class from King Richard III school Leicester. This is an amazing opportunity to learn about a school and children from a different are of the county to ourselves. Throughout the year, we will be completing sessions in order to introduce our class to Jasmine Class as well as learning about them. We will be speaking to them via a class Zoom and then hopefully meeting them in person later in the year.