Welcome to our class page
The adults that work with us in our class are:
Class Teacher: Mrs Boyd
Learning Support Assistants: Mrs Hall (mornings), Mrs Makda (every day except Fridays), Mrs Muddimer (Friday afternoons)
Senior Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hall (Wednesday afternoon for Art or Music)
Lunchtime Supervisor:
Sports Coach : Mr Taylor / Mr Timperley (Wednesday afternoon)
What are we Learning?
Please click below to access our Year plan to see what we are learning in Year 6 and to see our weekly timetable.
Year Plan Year 6
Year 6 Timetable
SATs Information
PE days
Other day (Mrs Boyd)
Wednesday (Sports Coach)
Please ensure that your child comes to school in our PE uniform, including trainers and a warm jumper as we often go outside for our PE lessons.
In Year 6 we ask that you support your child's learning by;
Encouraging your child to read independently and record it in their reading diary.
Use Times Tables Rock Stars and Spelling frame to support core skills.
Complete optional homework to support a love of learning.
Ways to Support with Learning at Home
See Homework information above.
Also click on the links below for activities for your child to do at home:
Spelling frame
Times Tables Rock Stars
Class Connections
Link to charity work or other connections made with local area.