Our Parental Information

We are proud of our relationship with the parents and families of our children and welcome any feedback with regards to what we do for parents and carers at Thythorn.

So far we have:

  • Embedded Tapestry to provide parents in EYFS with up-to-date insight into their child's learning
  • Held Maths and Reading mornings for all years groups so that parents can see how they key subjects are taught 
  • Held workshops in a variety of year groups so that parents are aware of expectations and how to support at home
  • Formed a new PTA (Friends of Thythorn) with which we work closely to raise funds for our school
  • Sent out surveys so that we receive feedback about our progress from parents
  • Started using Twitter as a form of communication for adults at home
  • Held a consultation with all stakeholders about our curriculum and introduced Building Learning Powers to provide children with life and learning skills
  • Organised a forum for parents to come and discuss how we can improve
  • Utilised a tool so that we can translate documents for parents
  • Created displays which celebrate our vision and Parent Partnership
  • Added a translation tool to our website to support all parents in receiving information

Moving forward we will:

  • Continue to share whole school mornings to share our curriculum areas such as Phonics/Reading, Maths and our 'Everyone's Welcome' work
  • Continue to hold sharing assemblies such as Harvest and Christmas
  • Continue to listen to parent ideas to add to what we do

Parent/Carer Survey

We operate an 'open door' policy and encourage parents and carers to make contact at the earliest opportunity with any concerns, queries or feedback.We periodically survey our parents and carers. Below are the outcomes of the latest surveys: