Thinking about joining us at Thythorn?
Please watch the video below for an introduction to our school:

The adults that work with us in our class are:
Class Teacher: Mrs Sam Brewster 
Nursery Nurse: Mrs Timson
Lunchtime Supervisor:  
Sports Coach : Mr Taylor / Mr Timperley (Monday afternoon) 

What are we Learning?
In the Early Years, we follow the Early Years Educational Programmes and Development Matters documents in order to ensure that children progress towards the Good Level of Development at the end of the academic year. (Websites with links to these documents are below).

A lot of the learning that takes place in EYFS  is through play and the children have access to both an indoor and outdoor classroom, selecting their own activities as well as working 1:1 or in groups with adults.

Please click below to access our Year plan to see what we are learning in EYFS. Please also catch up with us on Tapestry to see what we have been doing.
Year Plan EYFS
EYFS Framework - Early Learning Goals
Development Matters