The uniform is part of our school ethos. In coming to Thythorn Field Primary School, parents and carers agree to support our policy. It is expected that pupils will dress smartly and take pride in their appearance and we would ask you to support the school in ensuring that your child is correctly dressed in uniform. Uniform must be worn at all times including the journey to and from school. There may be special fundraising non-uniform days, but these will be made clear in advance. Pupils on day trips and visits will be expected to wear uniform unless they are told otherwise. Our uniform is practical, looks smart and is designed with health and safety in mind.
Grey or black school trousers / leggings
Grey or black skirt / grey pinafore dress
Pale blue or yellow gingham dress
Grey or black school shorts in summer
White polo shirt with Thythorn logo or plain white shirt or polo shirt
Thythorn or royal blue jumper/cardigan – no other logos or hooded jackets
Thythorn fleece
Plain white, grey or black socks/tights
Plain black school shoes / boots – no high heels
Branded Uniform
Thythorn Field Primary School do not insist that items of uniform are purchased with their branded logo. ALL items of uniform can be purchased from local shops, supermarkets and retailers in plain form. The school do sell branded items through a local provider, Schoolwear Solutions in Oadby. These can be purchased but there is no requirement for uniform to be bought from this supplier.
Pre-Loved Uniform
Pre-loved uniform can be sourced directly from Thythorn Field Primary School. There is always a supply of a range of items which can be accessed at all times from the school office. A small donation can be offered, however, this is a voluntary contribution and uniform will be offered to families that require it free of charge.
An additional coat will be needed according to the weather. Even in warm weather, a thin rain coat should be brought to school if rain is forecast.
All EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 children should have a pair of wellies in school. We are fortunate to have a large playing field which we use all year round – so wellington boots allow children access to the field and keeps socks, tights and trouser bottoms dry.
Pupils are not allowed to wear jewellery whilst on school premises, apart from the exception of a small pair of studs which should be taken out for PE. For items of jewellery with religious significance which cannot be removed, these should be taped over and made safe.
Parents/carer will be encouraged to organise ear piercings for children during the summer holiday. However, if this has not happened, as a concession, pupils who have had their ears freshly pierced are allowed to wear small, plain studs for up to six weeks. The wearing of more than one stud in each ear is not allowed. This concession does not apply to any other piercing.
No jewellery as a result of body piercing is allowed. This ruling has been made on the grounds of health and safety. Thythorn Field Primary School will not accept responsibility for the security of items of jewellery. Although wrist watches are allowed in most lessons, these have to remain the responsibility of the pupils. Smart watches are not permitted.
Make up
Pupils are not allowed to wear any type of make-up, nail varnish or false nails.
Hair colour and styles
Hairstyles should be reasonable and appropriate for being in a learning environment at school. To combat head lice, we would request that all hair past shoulder length should be tied up. Hair must be tied up for PE. Any item of clothing or accessory which may cause health and safety problems will not be permitted.
Thythorn Field Primary School PE Uniform
Dark blue PE shorts
Plain white t-shirt or Thythorn logo PE t-shirt
Trainers for outdoor PE
Dark tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE
PE Days
On the days that your child has P.E, please send your child into school in their PE kit and PE footwear which they will wear for the full day. Please ensure your child is wearing suitable clothing for the weather conditions, sending in a warmer top if the weather is changeable. Parents/carers are invited to obtain P.E uniform from the pre-loved uniform supply.
Please see below the details for our uniform supplier, Schoolwear Solutions. Please click on the following link:
Schoolwear Solutions
Thythorn Price List
There may be occasions when school will receive second hand uniform - Please ask at the office for more details.